Our Code of Ethics
Esplai Social considers that the trust of its employees, suppliers and external collaborators, volunteers, partners, as well as the social environment in which it carries out its activity, is based on integrity and responsibility in the professional performance of each of its employees.
Integrity is understood as acting ethically, honestly and in good faith. The responsability
Professional is understood as proactive, efficient action focused on excellence, quality and willingness to serve.
Esplai Social expects upright and responsible behavior from all its staff and volunteers in the performance of their duties. Likewise, we also expect our suppliers and external collaborators to maintain behavior in accordance with these principles.
Our values and behavioral guidelines that must guide the actions of all people linked to Esplai Social.
Regarding current legislation, human rights and ethics
Safety, health at work and prevention of occupational risks
Equal opportunities in the workplace and the development of professionalism
The quality of processes and products
Value creation and profitability
Respect for people, cooperation and decent work
Protection and defense of the environment
Efficient use and protection of company assets
Energy efficiency and responsible energy management
Good governance and ethically correct behavior
The development of society
Loyalty in relationships, respect for the interests of the interlocutor layer and prevention of potential conflicts of interest
The reserved nature of the information and the protection and adequate processing of personal data
Correctness in relations with the outside (public administration, political and union organizations, clients, suppliers and media)
Fair competition
Faithful image of accounting documents
Prevention of irregular payments and money laundering