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Volunteer Management


Develop and contribute to consolidating the stable presence of volunteers, committed to the principles and mission of ESPLAI SOCIAL.


ESPLAI SOCIAL volunteers will carry out activities of general interest, respecting the principles of non-discrimination, solidarity, pluralism and all those that inspire coexistence in a democratic society.


That is to say,


  • Freedom as a fundamental principle of the expression of a personal option, both of the volunteers and of the recipients of the action.

  • Autonomy as a voluntary entity with respect to public powers.

  • Participation as a democratic principle of direct and active intervention of citizens, promoting cooperation and the development of an associative fabric that articulates the community, from the recognition of its autonomy and pluralism.

  • The solidarity and care that meets the needs of people and groups that are the preferred object of this entity and not exclusively its own members.

  • Social commitment, as a principle of co-responsibility that guides stable and rigorous action, seeking the effectiveness of its actions as a contribution to the purposes of social interest, and that in no case seeks any economic benefit, or remuneration for hidden labor benefits.


These volunteer activities will be carried out in coherence with the purposes of the entity and

in accordance with the following requirements:


  • They will have an altruistic and supportive character.

  • Its realization will be the consequence of one's own and freely adopted decision, not being caused by a personal obligation or a legal duty.

  • They will be carried out in a selfless manner and without financial or any other type of compensation, and the volunteer may be compensated for the expenses incurred in the performance of their activity.

  • They will be developed through specific programs or projects, duly defined.



Voluntary action may not, in any case, be a substitute for the paid work that

carried out by those people who maintain labor and/or professional relationships with the entity.

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