"Empl" Job Insertion Plan"eat"
Facilitate the transition to the world of work: Provide participants with the necessary tools and skills to successfully face the process of searching for and obtaining employment.
Improve employability: Develop professional, personal and social skills that increase participants' chances of accessing job opportunities in line with their profiles and aspirations.
Boost confidence and self-esteem: Strengthen participants' self-confidence, helping them overcome emotional and mental barriers that may be limiting their employment prospects.
Promote autonomy: Train participants so that they are able to make informed decisions about their career, setting realistic goals and planning their long-term professional development.
Establish connections with the world of work:Create links with companies, organizations and professional networks to facilitate job placement of participants and promote a direct understanding of market demands.
Personal Development Workshops:
Techniques to improve self-esteem and confidence.
Management of stress and anxiety in the work context.
Effective communication and social skills.
Job Search Tools:
Preparation of resume and cover letters.
Online and in-person job search strategies.
Preparation for job interviews and group dynamics.
Development of Professional Skills:
Training in technical skills relevant to the labor market.
Strengthening digital and technological skills.
Training in specific skills in the sector of interest.
Career Planning:
Definition of short, medium and long-term goals in the career.
Identification of areas of interest and development opportunities.
Design of a personalized professional growth plan.
Get Employed 2021 Program
Do you want to participate in our job placement program?
Request information at our email formacion@esplaisocial.es or visit us at Boqueras Street 101B mezzanine 27 in Almazora
Get Employed 2022 Program
Do you want to participate in our job placement program?
Request information at our email formacion@esplaisocial.es or visit us at Boqueras Street 101B mezzanine 27 in Almazora
Get Employed 2022 Program
Do you want to participate in our job placement program?
Request information at our email formacion@esplaisocial.es or visit us at Boqueras Street 101B mezzanine 27 in Almazora